You’ll even have the opportunity to purchase your own ship and customize its color scheme. You’re now able to explore even more of the world by hopping in a canoe to travel across rivers, while a ferry can take you across the ocean to explore uncharted islands and dangerous ghost ships. The trailer also shows off new methods of travel in Octopath Traveler II. In battle, Osvald passively reveals a single weakness for each enemy with his Study Foe ability.

At night, however, his darker side comes out, and he can mug others to take all their belongings by force. His Scholar Path action allows him to scrutinize people to glean new info about them during the day. He’s spent the last several years wasting away in prison, and his time there has hardened him. Osvald’s story is all about seeking revenge on the man who murdered his family and framed him for the crime. The trailer also shows off his Path abilities: during the day, Partitio can purchase items from townsfolk, and at night he can hire them to join his part and lend their talents to his cause. He embarks on a journey to help others around the world by whatever means he can led only by his remarkable coin-earning ability. Partitio’s story begins in a small, pioneer town where the man learns everything he knows about being a merchant.

This trailer focuses on Partitio and Osvald, the Merchant and Scholar class characters, respectively. Now they’re in full marketing mode as they’ve recently dropped a new trailer showcasing two more of the game’s playable characters. Square Enix took the gaming world by surprise when they revealed Octopath Traveler II at the Fall 2022 Nintendo Direct.